Young Permians won the National Robotics Championship
Moscow hosted the All-Russian stage of «First Robotics Championship – Moscow 3.0», with 9 teams of pre-school and school children from Perm.
9 teams representing pre-school institutions and schools from Perm took part in two categories of finals: FIRST LEGO League Discover for pre-school children aged 4 to 6 and FIRST LEGO League Explore for school children aged 6 to 9, the participants being selected during the entry stage.
The three days of the championship were filled with exciting workshops in producing animated cartoons using CAD, learning VR-technologies, 3-D scanning, robotics; the children also watched interesting science shows and visited modern robots exposition.
As informed by the city Education Department, the Perm children became the winners in the following nominations: «Promotion and Communication», «Unusual Machines», «The Best Presentation», «Enthusiasm and Involvement», «Creative and Inspired», «Noble Professionalism», «Inquiring Minds».
The team included the children from kindergartens № 417, №67, «Electronic», «Eureka», «Legopolis», schools №135 and «Mastergrad» as well as «Rifey» Additional Education Centre. The Championship brought together over 300 teams from 42 Russian regions.
National competition «First Robotics Championship – Moscow 3.0.» – is the final stage of regional competitions of Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan and the open championship for the teams from CIS and other countries for children aged 4 to 18. The competition organisers emphasize that its main aim is to promote scientific knowledge, to develop creativity and interest to science and technology. The winners will be granted the right to participate in international championships.